The AlphaZine
New Jersey, USA
Art Director, Photographer, Web Designer & Developer , SEO, Social Media, Web Banners, Surveys, Emails
Client and Project:
When you want to learn more about a generation, you start a blog and have that gen tell you what they are thinking. That is what the premise of this new magablog, The AlphaZine, (Alpha Generation) is all about. As for me, I came up with this idea with my daughter who seems to have a lot of interest in many different subjects and enjoys reading and writing. This is a way for me to push her to explore these interests and share her observations in writing.
Being a newbie to Wordpress as a designer comes with a definite learning curve. Fortunately, I am a fast learner. From form building, surveys and managing contact lists, to SEO, affiliate marketing, and ads, this side project has been very educational thus far. It has been a fun challenge getting numbers up. But we are still pretty new and there are a lot of campaigns on the horizon. We are focused on our quarterly goals that we made for ourselves.